The 30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – 30 Days CAN Change Your Life!
The 30 Day Challenge

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit”

Want something new from life? Or want to eradicate something you already have?

Then listen to Aristotle – the man knew what he was talking about.

Aristotle spoke these golden words more than 300 years before Christ.

Habits are essential in directing our lives towards goals that can change our lives. Once something is habitualized, it is no longer difficult.

While Aristotle knew habits are key, he did not talk about exactly how long it takes to actually create a habit.

According to a well-respected study, it may take, on average, anywhere from 18-66 days to make a habit more or less automatic. But there is quite a lot of evidence that still backs up the classic Maxwell Maltz claim of 21 days as the minimum as well.

My take on it? Placebo has a lot to do with it too. If you tell people its 21 days, it’ll be 21 days. Talking from my own experience I believe it takes 30 days for a habit to become strong and if you can keep it going for 60 days it will become a deep-seated part of you.

By consistently developing a habit for 30 days you really can begin to change your life, and there is more good news….

You Have Already Done This, Many Times!

While right now it may seem intimidating for you to begin to chase a new habit or a goal you desire – which can be anything from meditating every day to lifting weights 3 times a week – something that is bound to give you the motivation you need to start, is the fact that you have already done this many times!

I want you to look at your life right now. Your everyday life. Within a minute or so you are bound to find habits that are effortless to you and are aligned with your goals and make your life better in some way.  For me, it’s making sure I do my T Boosting Protocol  early in the morning 3 times a week.

The beginning was tough, I did not like getting up early. But now, after knowing the benefits this routine gives me I can’t imagine not doing it. Funny how things change, isn’t it?

And that is the point: you have done it before, and you can do it again!

You also have habits of doing stuff that is toxic to your life. Those are habits you might want to ditch. And they follow the same principle – consistency over a period of time gradually making these bad habits automatic.

Only the initial inertia stopping you from change is the real challenge – expect it always, because evolution has taught our brain to stay in the “safe” comfort zone of familiarity. Thousands of years ago, it helped humans survive. Now, that brain software is outdated.

A really powerful way to break through the initial inertia is to write down all the benefits this new habit will bring you. This is very important because when we see how something can benefit us we will have a strong desire to achieve it.

Now that you know EXACTLY how do-able, practical, beneficial, and long-lasting a habitualized change can be, I challenge you to find something you would like to add to your life.

Get through that barrier that is trying to “protect” you from going out of the familiar. You know it is worth it already.

Share your 30-day challenge with somebody who motivates you and challenges you – make yourself be accountable for not following through with your challenge. And give yourself a reward if you are able to keep up with the daily ritual.

I have recently started doing 30 minutes of meditation each day –  (my current 30-day challenge), which has given me some amazing results.

But watch out for this important caveat! 

When you think of something you want to do, a goal, a mission, anything; make sure it is something you really want to do, and not merely wish to do.

This is an important distinction.

While we state we want to do many things and still do not end up doing them, it is direct proof that we do NOT want to do them, really.

Because human beings always do what they want to do. It is that simple.

As Tony Robbins once said: “we all get our musts”

You have to make sure you make your wishes into musts. And once your mind knows that it is a must, it would do anything and everything to achieve it. Wishing just does not cut it. And most of the time, wishing masquerades as a want. You must watch out for this.

The good news is, you can condition yourself, and train your mind to convert your wishes to wants. Inspiration, aspirations, and a change of mindset and perspective – things that can be achieved through either having someone who motivates you to action or reading great books – can drastically make a shift in what your mind perceives us a must.


What habit will you choose to develop for 30 days?

Is it your physical fitness?  Your diet?  Your sleep?  Reducing stress?  Giving up alcohol for 30 days? Lifting weights?

Whatever you choose, make a commitment that you will be consistent for 30 days to make the habit strong, and don’t forget to make a list of the benefits you are going to receive.

Here is a quick refresher to remember the basics:

1) You want to take your life in a meaningful direction by developing new powerful habits.

2) A habit can be made near automatic in about 30 days.

3) You have to make sure what you WANT is not a WISH. Understand the distinction, and change your mindset and perspective to convert wishes to strong desires.

4) Get past the initial barrier by any means necessary. Make a big list of all the benefits you will get after the habit is established.

5) Hold yourself accountable to someone. Have a reward and consequence system in place to keep you in check.

6) Keep the bigger picture in mind – the life of your dreams awaits you, it is all about habits!

Good luck!

I would love to hear what you chose to do for the 30 day challenge, and how you feel after being consistent for 30 days.

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