Royal Jelly and Testosterone: Can This Superfood Increase Your T Levels

Royal Jelly and Testosterone
royal jelly and testosterone

If you’ve spent some time outside the US, especially in Eastern Europe or Asia, you might have come across Royal Jelly, which is a very common natural food and health supplement in these parts of the world.

People have known about its benefits for thousands of years, and continue to use it today as a natural cosmetic product and to promote overall health and longevity.

But what exactly is royal jelly and can it increase testosterone?

Royal jelly is a natural, honey-like secretion produced in the glands of worker honeybees. All worker bees produce this jelly, but only one gets to feast on it – the queen bee.

It’s packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and it’s what makes the queen bee live almost forty times longer and be sixty times bigger than other worker bees.

With so many superfood characteristics, it’s no wonder why people have used royal jelly for centuries both as a remedy and as a natural food supplement.

There are many health benefits attributed to this weird anabolic bee secretion, but it’s good to know which are backed by science.

So is royal jelly any good when it comes to raising testosterone levels?

Well, you probably won’t see it getting prescribed as a treatment for low testosterone anytime soon, but royal jelly does have a very noticeable effect on a person’s overall health, especially men.

This natural superfood contains huge amounts of a substance called acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter vital to the fast transmission of messages between cells and hormones.

There have been many studies done on the subject, and although the exact mechanism with which it manages to increase testosterone remains largely unknown, all of the studies reached similar results.

Studies on Royal Jelly and Testosterone

Even though each study used different sized groups and conducted the experiment for different amounts of time, the overall methods remained the same, and so did the conclusions.

1.  A study was done in 2012 at the Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan with a goal to evaluate the effect of long-term consumption of royal jelly in men. It was a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind trial that lasted for six months.

All of the subjects in the test group ingested 3000 mg of royal jelly, while the control group was required to take a 100 ml of placebo liquid every day for the entire duration of the research.

After a six-month period, all of the subjects in the royal jelly group showed an improved production of red blood cells, lower glucose intolerance and an overall increase in the quality of mental health.

Among other unexpected benefits of prolonged royal jelly, consumption was an accelerated conversion of DHEA to testosterone.

DHEA is the most abundant steroid hormone in humans, which usually only acts as a catalyzer and enables testosterone production in the adrenal glands.

2. There were numerous studies done on animals to determine the effects of long-term exposure to royal jelly, and all of them found at least some correlation between royal jelly consumption and the overall health of the male’s sex organs.

This 2010 study done found that royal jelly successfully treats the so-called “summer infertility” in adult male rabbits.

The royal jelly treatment helped boost their testosterone up to 124% of their basal level and increased ejaculation volume and overall sperm mobility.

3. Seeing how even minuscule amounts of royal jelly in rabbits contributed to such overwhelmingly positive results, it’s no wonder many other studies came to the same conclusion even with a significantly lower exposure to royal jelly.

This 2004 study done on Japanese golden hamsters found that the concentration of free testosterone in their testes doubled after just 12 weeks of consuming royal jelly.

The hamsters were fed either 2.3 mg or 24.2 mg of royal jelly per kg of body weight per day. Such a minuscule amount had to be mixed into their feed to provide consistent results, and when compared to the control group, the hamsters that received 24.2 mg of royal jelly had their testosterone levels double.

Another interesting finding in the study was that royal jelly successfully reduces LPOs – free radicals released as a result of the aging process.

As you can see there is credible research showing that royal jelly can increase testosterone. The way it boosts T-levels is likely due to the vitamins, minerals, lipids, and acetylcholine that royal jelly contains.

Other Royal Jelly Health Benefits You Shouldn’t Overlook

Apart from the evidence above showing how royal jelly can influence testosterone levels, there are also many other health benefits that come with the consumption of royal jelly.

  • In this study by the Journal of Phytomedicine, researchers found that royal jelly improved testosterone levels, sperm count, and malondialdehyde production in mice. This research suggests that royal jelly can also improve fertility.
  • It directly contradicts the process of aging by reducing the amount of lipid hydroperoxide that gets released in your blood. The bigger the concentration of LPO in your blood the faster it will age, and royal jelly does a great job of slowing this process down quite a bit. It also seems that it somewhat neutralizes the damage that age has already done to your cells.
  • It promotes faster messaging between cells and hormones, which also applies to brain cells. This means a prolonged consumption of royal jelly can help maintain your overall mental health and sharpness.


Whether you believe the evidence that says royal jelly can help you become more potent and increase your testosterone levels or not, the fact is that royal jelly is a fantastic natural supplement packed full of vitamins and nutrients which can only benefit men hormonally.

It’s completely natural, full of T friendly vitamins, organic, pretty tasteless, and both easy to find and consume. You can buy royal jelly online from a variety of manufacturers.

The possible side-effects don’t even come close to outweighing its health benefits, but I suggest you avoid it if you’re allergic to pollen or bees. Using royal jelly as an occasional food supplement can only improve your overall health and wellbeing, and from the studies that have been done, there is a good chance it will increase your testosterone levels in the process.

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