Pomegranate juice Benefits For Men

Pomegranate Benefits For Men: Testosterone, Heart Health, Erection Strength & More

When is the last time you enjoyed some Pomegranates? If you’re like most men living in the United States, it wouldn’t be that surprising if you’ve never even tried it before.

However, that is all about to change. Why? Because pomegranates are true super fruits.

All other benefits aside, pomegranates are one of the top sources of anti-oxidants that benefit men in many ways.

You probably didn’t even know that pomegranates are grown in the United States, even though they originated in the Mediterranean regions, right?

But that’s a good thing, as now you don’t have an excuse to miss out. But enough of that; you must be hungry to learn what pomegranates can do for you as a man right?

Well, you’re in luck! Heck, you’re going to make pomegranates a staple in your diet after this.

Let’s dive straight in then, shall we?

How to Eat The Pomegranates

Before we get this show on the road – one important thing; how the pomegranate needs to be eaten.

See, pomegranates aren’t your typical fleshy fruits, but consist of hundreds of tiny seeds, around which the flesh is contained.

Each of these tiny fleshy/seed units is known as an aril and requires you to suck and chew on them simultaneously to remove the actual fruit.

This can seem like a chore, but you get better the more frequent you eat it.

If you prefer an alternative, you can always opt for pomegranate juice, though you must be careful that you are getting a high-quality juice with no added sugar, or it defeats the purpose altogether.

Benefits of Pomegranate Consumption for Men

1. Help Boost Testosterone Levels

There are several different ways to achieve higher testosterone levels, with some supplements such as Tribulus working to increase luteinizing hormone expression, which then, in turn, causes an increase in testosterone production.

However, that is just half of the battle. The other half? Actually preserving what you have. This is what pomegranate specializes in.

Pomegranates are an established super anti-oxidant, helping to buffer the effect of oxidative damage to a great extent, and also improving sperm quality and fertility in the process.

This also holds true in the testes, where the improved anti-oxidant action results in optimized testosterone production.

Studies conducted on rodents found that oxidative stress in the testes was significantly reduced following pomegranate consumption.

While in humans, consumption over the course of just two weeks netted an average increase in free testosterone levels of up to 24%.

This is significant for many reasons, but the most important being the fact that free testosterone is what is responsible for testosterone’s positive actions in the body, and not the bound form that shows an increase in many studies.

2. Pomegranates Suppress Excess Estrogen Production

Estrogen is arguably the bane of every man’s existence, with it generally being very difficult to get the correct balance.

However, studies have shown the potential of pomegranates in helping to reduce estrogen production from testosterone, via inhibition of the aromatase enzyme found in fatty tissue.

The enzyme aromatase is what converts testosterone into estrogen. Individuals that possess greater levels of body fat the most prone to testosterone being converted into estrogen.

Compounds found in pomegranates, known as ellagitannins, have the ability to suppress the action of this enzyme, allowing more testosterone to remain unchanged, or forming other androgenic metabolites.

In men, only a small amount of estrogen is necessary for optimal health, with higher levels being known to cause the syndrome of estrogen dominance.

On that note, is pomegranate’s potential in helping to treat breast cancer as well.

Breast cancer is no longer a female-specific cancer as many people believe, as more and more men are being diagnosed with it each year.

3. Pomegranate Juice Can Reduce Recurrence Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is amongst the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men, which even after surgery carries the risk of recurrence.

Of particular note, is a measured value known as PSA; or prostate-specific antigen, whose levels are a good indicator of relative cancer risk or recurrence which has already set in motion.

Pomegranate juice has been shown to significantly slow down “doubling” time of PSA, which is the time it takes for PSA valued to increase by 100%.

Higher PSA levels are indicative of prostate cancer, frequently, though not always.

Anything that slows the speed of this doubling is an excellent tool in prevention, as it means more years in remission.

Consumption of just 8 oz. of the juice daily was shown to favorably slow the doubling time of PSA from an average of 15 months to 54 months, which is a more than 300% decrease.

In addition to this, there was an increased rate of pre-cancerous and cancer cell programmed cell death (also known as apoptosis), which lends itself to reducing a recurrence of cancer.

4. Improves Exercise Performance And Boosts Recovery

Every hot-blooded man likes to work out, but sadly not everyone will see results from their labors in the gym. However, pomegranate can help you along the way.

For one, pomegranates are a rich source of dietary nitrates, being an excellent raw material to produce the body’s main vasodilator nitric oxide.

Elevating nitric oxide levels during and after your workout allows for enhanced oxygen and nutrient delivery.

This helps working muscles buffer lactic acid levels better so they can continue working longer before fatigue.

In addition to this, pomegranates reduce the degree of post-workout muscle inflammation, so that micro trauma recovers faster and you are able to hit the gym sooner as well.  

This inflammation and damage is critical to recovery but impairs you from working out while in recovery mode.

5. Promotes Circulatory And Erectile Health

This is the big one you’ve been waiting for. Yes, pomegranate consumption can give you more powerful erections

Pomegranate juice has been found to upregulate and increase levels of the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide production, eNOS, or endothelial nitric oxide synthase.

This enzyme is what limits the production of nitric oxide in many instances, as its numbers are finite, and keeps production of the NO molecule consistent.

By upregulating and increasing levels of this enzyme, the amount of NO is in like manner increased.

In addition, pomegranate has been shown to help preserve nitric oxide molecules from breakdown, prolonging this physiological action in the body.

This all works great for erections and is the basis of many supplements. Pomegranate is arguably superior to them all, and much safer as well.

6. Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Men possess an inherently higher cardiovascular risk than women, at least up to the point of pre-menopause.

Estrogen exerts a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

But men, you’re in luck; as pomegranate can be your trump card.

Men that regularly consume pomegranate juice report significantly lowered deposition of arterial plaque deposits, of up to 30%, as well as a reduced degree of cholesterol oxidation, which helps to retain healthy blood flow as arteries are kept much clearer.

An added benefit? Better control of blood pressure. Clearer vessels translate to greater flexibility and ability to accommodate differing pressure as generated by the heart upon pumping.

Coupled with its already established vasodilatory actions, cardiovascular risk is reduced immensely, helping you enjoy life to the max.

Wrapping Up

Eating pomegranates daily can be a task, which is why juices are a convenient and effective way to meet your daily requirements.

Consuming 8 ounces of a high-quality juice daily is an excellent way to start and you can also top up with the occasional fruit.

It’s never too late to enjoy all the benefits of pomegranates and knowing that it can help you be more of a man and live life to the fullest should be a great motivator to get you started today!

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