Kegel Exercises For Men To Last Longer: Step By Step

Kegel Exercises for Men to Last Longer in Bed
kegel exercises for men to last longer

Since the beginning of time, man has been concerned about increasing his libido and sexual stamina.

Unlike fake supplements and devices that promise to make you last longer in bed, here is a natural alternative that is time tested and proven to work.

As mentioned in my previous article about edging it has been shown by studies that if a man ejaculates to the point of sexual exhaustion there is a lowering of testosterone in the body.

But if a man can take control of his orgasms by practicing Kegel exercises he will be able to last longer in bed and stimulate testosterone production. He will also be able to choose when he ejaculates and how long he wants to have sex for.

To know more about how to do Kegel exercises and all the benefits read this article.

What are Kegel Exercises For Men

Kegel exercises are mainly designed for strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC), also known as the pelvic floor muscles.

This muscle stretches from the tailbone to the pubic bone and creates a hammock-like structure. The PC muscles support the pelvic organs and help in the sphincter muscle functions.

The main difference between Kegel exercises and other penile exercises is, that unlike penile exercises, Kegel exercises strengthen the real skeletal muscles.

The benefits of Kegel exercises for men is that they can help men last longer in bed and they can also be a powerful erection exercise.

This is because they increase pelvis strength and help men to have great control of blood flow to the penis which results in harder erections.

QUICK TIP: If you are serious about enhancing morning wood and increasing testosterone production, then highly recommend you check out this Free Morning Wood Ebook which can help you achieve this.

How to Find The PC Muscle

Before we get into the different exercises that can strengthen the PC muscle we first need to make sure we are exercising the right muscle.

The best way to find the PC muscle is to stop yourself urinating mid-flow. The muscles that you use to stop yourself urinating are the exact muscles you will be using to do the Kegel exercises.

Here is a short video with some good advice about Kegels and the PC muscle

Best Kegel Exercises for Men

Kegel exercises for men are a great way to last longer in bed. So here are the top Kegel exercises for men which you should definitely try:

Flutter Technique

This is the exercise that eventually leads to good control over the PC muscle. You can do this routine by squeezing and releasing the pelvic muscles. This exercise will give you the ability to perform more demanding routines.

In this exercise, you have to clench and unclench quickly. You won’t be able to do many repetitions at the start. So, you should start with 10 repetitions and then stop for 10 seconds before starting another step.

You will find out that this exercise will increase your endurance levels and you will be able to do 30 flexes quickly.

However, you should keep in mind that you shouldn’t overwork the muscle. You can do 5 sets about three times a day. But during the exercise, vary the rest period for durations of 5 to 15 seconds.

Rapid Motion

The flutter is quite a useful exercise for increasing the blood flow and strengthening the pelvic muscles.

To perform this rapid motion exercise, flex and release the muscle as fast as you can.

Repeat this motion and make a fluttery motion (to wave or move rapidly). You should initially do the exercise for five times and then slowly increase the repetitions to 20.

Squeeze and Hold

This is a slightly more difficult exercise than the previous ones. To do this exercise, start by squeezing the PC muscles tightly and holding.

This will test your will power and the strength of the PC muscle. Once you squeeze the muscles, let the muscles stay clenched for a certain time period and then release.

Like everything else, with continuous practice, the holding period will increase.

This exercise can make you tired easily, so you should do about 3 repetitions per set with adequate rest periods in between. You should do this exercise about 3 to 4 times per week.

Random Flexing Style

This is a good test to find out whether you have got control over your ejaculatory muscles. When you do this exercise, do about ten flutters to get a rhythm. After that, perform holding and squeezing.

When you first begin the Kegel exercises, you would notice that it is quite difficult. But when you gain control with the passage of time, you would be able to contract your PC muscles at any time.

Pull-In Kegels

This is yet another variation of Kegels. To do a pull-in Kegel, you should think of your pelvic floor muscles as a vacuum. Now tense your buttocks and pull the legs inwards.

Remain in this position for 5 seconds and release. Now do it about 10 times. It would be completed in about 50 seconds. Make sure to do it regularly to see some results.

Progressive Kegels

This is a more advanced form of Kegel exercises. To perform the exercise, squeeze the pelvic muscles and hold them for five seconds. Now, squeeze a little harder and hold for five more seconds.

Now, without releasing, squeeze as hard as you can for another five seconds. Now reverse the process. Loosen the squeeze a bit, hold for five seconds and loosen more, and then hold for five seconds and then let it all go.

You should start with one set of 5 and then move your way up to three sets of ten.

Combination Method

You can also perform the combination method where you do step by step exercises.

You can do flutter routine, with five flexes and then squeeze the muscles tightly before releasing.

You would notice that, after some time, you would develop a rhythm.

For example, when you do five flutters for five seconds, you can take some rest before starting again. When you are warmed up properly, you can do about 10 sets without a break.

This exercise will increase erection strength and lead to powerful contractions during orgasms. This will help you to have some amazing sex.

More Tips To Get the Most From Kegels

Kegel exercises will definitely help you last longer in bed. But to make sure that you are getting the most out of Kegels and not just wasting your time, here are some tips:

  • While doing Kegels, don’t hold your breath or squeeze your thigh and buttocks.
  • Find a quiet place to do the exercises, where you are sure you won’t be disturbed and be able to concentrate.
  • You can perform some slow and quick Kegel exercises without anyone realizing you are doing it. For example, you can do squeezing and relaxing of the PC muscle during watching TV, using the computer, or talking on a phone.
  • Try to eat quality foods for harder erections every week to improve erection strength. To read my article on the best foods for harder erections click here.
  • If you don’t see the results of Kegel exercises, don’t quit and keep on doing the exercise until you see some results.

A great book that explains how a man can become multi-orgasmic using these Kegel techniques is by Mantak Chia.


I hope these 7 Kegel Exercises for men to last longer will benefit you. As you probably already know good sex can be a very important factor in a relationship.

So try out these Kegel exercises to last longer in bed and receive all the benefits they can bring to you.

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