Ginger and Testosterone: Can Ginger Increase T Production?

Ginger and Testosterone
ginger and testosterone

This article is going to look into the link between ginger and testosterone.

Did you know that ginger is beneficial at boosting testosterone levels? Yes, you heard me right.

Ginger, the simple ingredient present in meals, is actually quite beneficial at boosting testosterone levels.

But the question arises > how exactly does ginger increase testosterone levels and are there any studies to prove it?

Well, that’s what this article is here for. So start reading to discover the amazing relationship between ginger and testosterone.

Ginger and Testosterone Production

Ginger is a spice that is packed full of nutrients and bioactive compounds that have many health benefits. The rhizome or the underground portion of the stem is used for medicinal purposes too. You can use ginger in fresh or powdered form.

Ginger is currently being studied for its wide range of testosterone benefits. There are studies which prove the positive effects of ginger and they will be discussed in the next section.

So you shouldn’t overlook this spice. It’s one of the cheapest and safest ways of boosting testosterone levels.

It boosts testosterone levels by increasing the production of nitric oxide and blood flow in the testes, which gives a signal to the brain to produce more testosterone.

Studies on Ginger and Testosterone

There are tons of studies which show that ginger raises testosterone levels. Here are some of these studies:

1. The first study was conducted by a researcher named Al-Kadir Mares and his colleagues, at Tikrit University in Iraq. The researchers in the study wanted to know the effect of ginger on testosterone, luteinizing hormone levels and the semen levels of infertile men. The study was conducted in 2012 and about 100 participants were included in the study. 75 male subjects were infertile whereas 25 were fertile. The researchers gave ginger to the male participants.

The study proved that the testosterone levels of the participants who used ginger increased significantly. The overall increase was about 17.7%. The other noteworthy thing about the study is that the serum luteinizing hormone levels also increased in the infertile men. The increase in luteinizing hormone was about 43%. So this study clearly shows that ginger increases testosterone levels.

2. Another study was conducted by Asian researchers in which the researchers investigated the effects of aqueous extracts of ginger on male rats. In the study, the aqueous extracts of ginger were given to rats for 8 consecutive days. At the end of the study, the rats were killed and their blood and testes were collected for further analysis. It was found that ginger extracts increased the testes and prostate weight. The serum and testosterone levels were also increased. The researchers concluded in the study that an aqueous extract of ginger increases testosterone levels.

3. If you haven’t made up your mind after these two studies, here is another study. The study was conducted by Iranian researchers at the Islamic Azad University Iran in 2009. The researchers wanted to find out the effects of ginger on sperm motility and spermatogenesis on laboratory rats. The subjects of the study were divided into three different groups. The first one was given about 50 mg/kg ginger extract, the second group was given 100 mg/kg ginger extract and the third group was kept in placebo. The rats were given this supplement for 20 days. The results of the study showed that the serum testosterone levels of the group which was given 100 mg/kg ginger increased significantly compared to the placebo group.

4. Another study was conducted in 2008 in Nigeria in which the researchers wanted to find out the effects of ginger on the reproductive functioning of male rats. It was found that the testosterone increased significantly in the rats who were given ginger extracts. The official name of the extract is Zingiber Officinale and the researchers in the study, have recommended the use of this extract for increasing T levels.

5. A study was conducted recently in Tunisia in which the researchers sought to find out the androgenic properties of ginger on male diabetic rats. The rats were divided into three different groups, the control group, the diabetic group and the diabetic group fed with ginger. The researchers conducted several tests on the rats which showed, among other things, that dietary ginger increases organ weight and testosterone levels.

Ginger for Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety have now become a part of our lives, thanks to our lifestyle. But the truth is that stress wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels. So anything that reduces stress and anxiety will automatically boost T levels.

The research mentioned so far proves that ginger increases testosterone levels directly. But it has one more trick up its sleeve! It increases testosterone levels in another way, which is rather indirect.

It does so by decreasing the levels of cortisol. Cortisol, as proven by research, counters the action of testosterone and decreases its production too.

If we can find ways to lower cortisol we will be able to boost free testosterone in the body.

How to Take Ginger

There are many ways to add ginger in your diet. Some of these are mentioned below:

  • You can add ginger root in any homemade juice. Just cut a slice of ginger and put it inside the juicer. It works great with carrot, lemon, and apple juice.
  • You can also make ginger tea. You just need to add one-inch of a ginger piece in two cups of water. Boil the ginger to get a mild flavor. After that, strain the ginger. You can also add lemon or honey for taste.
  • Another great way to include ginger in your diet is adding minced ginger to every stir fry.
  • Consume a pure organic ginger root powder.


By now, it’s a well-established fact that ginger helps boost testosterone levels in the body. Consuming ginger is an easy way to lower stress and boost testosterone levels.

This simple and cheap spice is a great way to boost testosterone and increase nitric oxide production in the body making it one of the most impressive man spices out there.

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