Does Testosterone Burn Fat? Can High T Levels Burn Fat?

can low testosterone cause weight gain

It’s a well-known fact that there is a strong hormonal link between testosterone and weight gain.

Healthy bodies do not have excess fat in the abdominal area. That beer belly, love handles, spare

That beer belly, love handles, and the spare tire is now a common sight.

It’s not just unsightly; it’s also unhealthy. Having excess fat around the middle means you’re at risk for a host of diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and the list goes on.

Many of the 20% of the population classified as obese suffer from conditions relating to low testosterone.

Testosterone isn’t just related to fat. It is also responsible for maintaining and growing lean muscle mass. Lean muscle burns calories at a greater rate than fat cells which mean that if the level of lean muscle declines so too does your bodies caloric needs.

Low testosterone causes a loss of lean muscle and if caloric intake is not adjusted this can lead to weight gain.

Does Testosterone Really Burn Fat?

No, not all weight gain is testosterone based, but there is a vicious cycle between the two. As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone.

They can feel tired, sluggish, and as if they have lost their drive. No matter how well they train, or how well they eat that spare tire just seems to stay where it is.

The cycle between obesity and testosterone is a “chicken and egg” issue since it’s tough to figure out which came first.

Obesity causes the body to produce less testosterone and as a result, more of the testosterone stored in excess body fat is converted to estrogen.

Estrogen slows fat release so when its level is higher than testosterone the body is more stubborn at breaking down fat cells.

The reverse is also true! A naturally low testosterone level means that there is a higher level of estrogen; which then causes the body to store fat.

This is why losing weight is so important for lowering estrogen and boosting testosterone levels.

Declining Testosterone and Metabolism

Around middle age, the body loses its ability to produce testosterone naturally. This state is called andropause and is similar to the female menopause since it is an androgen deficiency. Strangely enough, many men have never even heard of it!

Andropause causes the body to lose lean muscle mass and gain fat tissue and is the primary cause of increased abdominal fat. While testosterone is usually known as a sex hormone and for performance issues, it’s also vital in how the body works metabolically.

Testosterone can affect how your body balances glucose and is a key part in stimulating insulin sensitivity. When testosterone levels fall, the body may struggle to produce adequate insulin, raising blood sugar levels and puts the person at risk for diabetes.

1 in 11 people are now diabetic and experts are recognizing that testosterone plays a large factor in insulin resistance.

There is also evidence that supports low-testosterone levels being linked to increased inflammation. It is closely connected to C-reactive protein inflammation. Inflammation of this sort plays a role in obesity as well as other health issues like atherosclerosis and cancer as well as diabetes.

Inflammation is yet another vicious cycle because weight gain inhibits insulin further which causes excess glucose to be stored in the fat cells. This excess fat produces a higher amount of cytokines which also promotes inflammation exacerbating the problem further.

Testosterone levels are closely linked with a host of health issues which can all be linked to obesity and weight gain. This is something that many men have never even realized!

How to Check if You are Low in Testosterone?

The only way to know if you’re at risk or have been affected by low testosterone is to have your levels checked which can be done by a doctor or at home.

If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone, then you can look into supplementation and vitamins that can boost testosterone naturally.

It is important to note that if you do find out you have low testosterone do not rely solely on supplements to increase testosterone. Tackle the problem by using several different methods such as; reducing stress, exercise, ejaculation control, and estrogen reduction.

Testosterone Therapies and Fat Loss

Ironically there has been little evidence to show that testosterone therapy causes weight loss. In theory, if low testosterone levels affect the body negatively then supplementing testosterone would mean increased drive, better performance, and also weight loss.

Studies show that over a period of time men do have some weight loss and slight improvements in blood pressure and cancer risk.

The key to testosterone therapy being successful is the fact that the results were gradual. Over a five-year period, there was a genuine improvement.

This is the reason why boosting testosterone through natural methods should be looked at as a long-term solution rather than a quick fix.

However, you will start to feel better from the moment you take action to increase your testosterone.

Many researchers and experts support the findings that for older men, testosterone therapy can make a difference and make it easier to lose weight and retain lean muscle mass.

There are those specialists who play devil’s advocate though and say that the reason these men lose weight is that the improved testosterone level makes them feel better, leading to an increased desire to move and exercise.

This is another benefit of boosting your testosterone naturally without the side effects that come from testosterone therapy.

Testosterone Supplements for Weight Loss

There are a variety of natural testosterone boosters out there that do not come with the side effects of testosterone therapy.

Synthetic testosterone has an elevated risk for causing the body to shut down production further so if you stop taking it you may suddenly find your natural testosterone levels have decreased even further.

The best testosterone supplements to take for weight loss are those that are aimed at improving lean body mass, as this will help boost your metabolic rate and promote weight loss naturally.

Look for supplements that contain measured amounts of these ingredients:


Low testosterone is linked closely to weight gain, and improving your testosterone can help your long-term weight loss goals. Boosting testosterone will increase your metabolic rate, increase your energy for more activity and help you burn body fat instead of muscle.

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