Do you want to find out what the best vitamins for erectile dysfunction are?
Well, you are in the right place.
This article will show you the vitamins that are scientifically proven to increase blood flow to the penis.
The vitamins mentioned below will not only improve erection strength but also enhance testosterone production.
Research from the Natural Institutes of Health tells us that 15 to 25 percent of 65-year-old men are affected by ED. And 5 percent of men who are 40 are also affected.
However, if you provide the body with the vitamins that boost nitric oxide levels, you won’t have to suffer any longer.
Let’s now dive into some of the top vitamins for erectile dysfunction.
Vitamin C must be first on the list of best vitamins for ED. This is because there is considerable research showing how vitamin C increases nitric oxide production and protect it from being attacked by free radicals.
In fact, research from a 2010 study by Reproductive Partners Medical Group showed that vitamin C and calcium helped the pathways that lead to improvements in nitric oxide production which is essential for men.
The reason that nitric oxide is important for penis strength is because it improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to every area of the body including the testicles and penis.
To help improve nitric oxide it’s a good idea to stop smoking and be moderate in alcohol consumption.
There is also now research that shows that when 2 grams of vitamin C is taken with 4 garlic tablets (containing 13.2 mg of alliin and 6 mg of allicin) the levels of nitric oxide increased by an amazing 200% and blood pressure dropped to levels not even achieved by regular medication.
This shows that saving money and supplementing with garlic and vitamin c at a good dosage is a great way to improve ED.
Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin but is, in fact, a hormone. This hormone D has been proven to increase both testosterone and nitric oxide production in the body.
Without Vitamin D there will be no nitric oxide released in the body, and without nitric oxide, you can say goodbye to strong erections.
But Vitamin D has other benefits for general health aside from hormonal health and nitric oxide production.
And according to the acclaimed Vitamin D expert Dr. Michael Holick, this vitamin has the greatest power of all the vitamins he’s ever researched to improve human health.
Researchers have also discovered that men with Vitamin D deficiencies have low nitric oxide levels and low T-Levels.
The combination of low nitric oxide levels and low testosterone is going to have a negative impact on men’s health.
Let’s now look at studies which show that a deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to ED and low testosterone.
A great way to get Vitamin D is to take a Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil Supplement
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Vitamin E is another great vitamin for men. The reason Vitamin E is important is that it’s a powerful antioxidant which can increase nitric oxide production.
The increase in nitric oxide will help blood flow throughout the body which will also improve your general health.
Vitamin E is also great for promoting arousal in men. The way Vitamin E promote arousal is by boosting the production of prostaglandins which are compounds with hormone-like effects.
Vitamin E has also been shown to protect cells from damage and protects the heart from damage.
And it’s a well-known fact that anything that keeps the heart healthy will also lead to a healthy sex life.
Here are some studies to show how Vitamin E is one of the best supplements to increase penis strength.
To make sure you are getting enough Vitamin E try to consume foods such as nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, and fish.
If you want to get a good quality Vitamin E supplement look for one with natural tocopherols.
Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Citrulline is a very powerful supplement for anyone wanting to improve ED. Citrulline is converted into L-Arginine, an amino acid that produces nitric oxide in the body.
You might be thinking that if L-Arginine produces nitric oxide then why not just take L-Arginine instead of Citrulline?
The reason is that studies are now showing that Citrulline is even more powerful at improving erections than L-Arginine.
Let’s see why this is the case.
The reason that L-Arginine is not as effective as Citrulline is because when it’s ingested nearly 50% is converted into ornithine by the enzyme arginase in the liver.
This means that half of the L-Arginine will not be converted into nitric oxide but instead, will be metabolized in the liver.
This is where Citrulline is so useful because unlike L-Arginine it’s not metabolized in the liver but instead goes into the kidneys where it’s easily transformed into L-Arginine.
All the studies conclude that Citrulline raises both nitric oxide and L-Arginine in the blood more dramatically than taking L-Arginine alone.
Let’s take a look at the scientific proof that Citrulline helps ED
The best dietary source of Citrulline is watermelon. One cup of watermelon contains around 250 milligrams of Citrulline making it a great and easy way to improve ED.
If you would like to take a supplement to make sure you are getting enough each day, then a good choice is from Source Naturals L-Citrulline.
Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
I hope this article has helped you understand some of the healthy vitamins that all men should take.
Consuming adequate levels of these vitamins can work like magic to improve your sex life.
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