Beet Juice For ED: Do Beets Help Erectile Dysfunction?

beet juice for ED

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem that faces many men today, usually marked by an inability to maintain an erection for long enough to satisfy both partners.

It's a common condition for a lot of men, and unfortunately, a frustrating and embarrassing one.

Many men refrain from discussing these issues with their partners, which leads to a lack of knowledge about the 'unspeakable' problem.

Understanding the reasons behind this condition is paramount in helping you overcome it, and that's what we're here to help you with.


What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

This condition is often caused by insufficient blood flow to the penis. After all, an erection is caused by a significant increase in blood flowing through to the genitals.

If your blood circulation is poor, you won't be able to get an erection. Erectile dysfunction can also be a result of having low testosterone levels.

However, there are typically a lot of other symptoms associated with low testosterone such as emotional instability and low libido.

Before assuming your ED is a result of a testosterone deficiency, you should see a doctor. You need to take the appropriate blood tests to determine the root cause of your problem.

Some men with low T don’t suffer from ED, and many men with ED have fine testosterone levels.

Using Beetroot and Other Foods to Help with ED

There are lots of herbs and supplements that can help a man improve the symptoms of ED. Many of these foods work by enhancing blood flow to and from the genitals. 

Beetroot is one of the best natural foods to help you curb your ED for the following reasons:

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    Beetroot is naturally rich in nitrates. Nitrates are known for increasing nitric oxide levels in the blood which promotes vasodilation of blood vessels – they're one of the most potent vasodilators your body uses. The increase in blood flow to the penis helps to maintain an erection.
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    In essence, the nitrates available in beets are converted to nitrites by saliva in the mouth and upon reaching the stomach, the nitrites are the then converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is then absorbed into the blood-stream causing vasodilation and making it easier for blood to reach all areas of the body.
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    Beetroot has been shown to possess similar functionality as other male enhancement products, such as Viagra – without you having to get a doctor to write you a prescription! 

There are a variety of vegetables that are highly rich in nitrates such as carrots, radishes, lettuce, and turnip greens. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower can also be tremendously beneficial for helping people overcome ED by increasing testosterone levels.

While beetroot seems to be among the most predominant sources of nitrates, it's important to eat a diet that contains a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

There will never be one single nutrient responsible for any biological function. Chances are, though, if your perfect with your diet, your ED will disappear along with many other problems.

Blood Pressure, Beet Root, and ED

One important fact that's particularly important for older fellows is that that high blood pressure can make the problem more difficult.

Men who are in their 50s or older tend to see natural increases in blood pressure, which is why it's more common to hear of these sorts of problems with men approaching later life.

It can also be a symptom of andropause, also known as male menopause, a condition in which men produce lower amounts of testosterone.

blood pressure and beet juice

Based on research, drinking one cup of beet juice daily has the ability to lower your blood pressure to a comparable degree as using prescription medication.

Again, this suggests that there are healthier, natural alternatives to your doctor's prescription pad that you should explore while trying to cure your ED.

High blood pressure is a common condition in men, but it is not selective to gender. Women also tend to suffer from this malady which affects their sex life as well.

High blood pressure reduces blood flow to the birth canal, a condition that adversely affects how their body responds to sexual stimulation.

Regular intake of beet juice by women hypothetically translates to improved libido and sex drive.

Other Health Benefits of Taking Beet Juice for Men

​Beets don't just provide benefits to your sexual health. Apart from being used as a treatment for high blood pressure in, beets provide the body with important minerals such as iron, potassium and vitamin C.

The combination of nutrients in beets allows you to make better use of the energy your body produces. Not on does it provide you with a wide variety of antioxidants and minerals, but it dilates the blood vessels which in turn allows blood to channel these nutrients to the muscle and brain.

Furthermore, taking beet juice after exercise not only hydrates you but provides you with nutrients needed to recover and heal your muscles quicker. This is why many athletes find it so important to take beet juice.

Beet Juice Preparation and Intake

The best beet juice is the kind you can make at home. You don’t have to purchase everything premade from the market when you can easily whip it up at home.

For beet juice, all you really need to do is juice some fresh beets - including the greens. The only thing you will need is a high-quality juicer that can make this powerful natural Viagra juice for years to come.

This doesn't take long, but if you're a busy person, you can still pick up a can of beet juice from your local store on the way to work – it may not be as beneficial as handmade stuff, but it'll still help you out a lot.

Possible Side Effects and Risks of Using Beet Juice

There are a few potential dangers from taking beet juices, but these are mostly only an issue for people with pre-existing medical conditions.

  • The most common side effect of taking beet juice isn't actually dangerous. Chances are, your urine will turn reddish-purple. Don't worry – you're not bleeding! This a common condition known as beeturia and it's totally harmless – if not a bit disorienting - and it will stop after you stop taking beet juice.
  • Individuals who have a history of oxalate kidney stones are advised to be vigilant when taking beet juice. Beets are highly rich in oxalates which are compounds that can crystallize and create kidney stones.
  • If you suffer from kidney stones, certainly talk to your doctor before taking beet juice. However, if you're worried about oxalates building up because you're worried about kidney stones in general, make sure to drink 8-12 glasses of water to help you flush them out before they're digested, eat lots of citrus to help break them down, and drink a lot of dairy which will bind to oxalates and help remove them. 
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    Diabetic people should also be cautious when taking beets since they are high in sugar.

The Underlying Cause of ED

Diet control is one of the safest mechanism you can embrace to improve your sex life and make erectile dysfunction a thing of the past.

However, consulting your doctor is paramount to ensure that the root cause of your problem is identified and treated.

Apart from reduced blood flow to the penis, low testosterone is often a cause for ED. ​
Low T can also be treated naturally using natural testosterone boosters.

Some of these testosterone boosters contain beetroot ingredients which are blended with other essential ingredients which are geared towards increasing testosterone levels.

Other Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is also often caused by other external factors including:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Depression and Anxiety
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    Excessive Drinking
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Curbing your ED may simply require you to change your lifestyle. Western medicine doesn't often look at problems in a holistic manner, but this is very important.

Smoking may traditionally be destructive for your lungs, but it can also hinder blood flow and lead to ED. Depression may be seen as a mental problem, but the associated anxiety can lead to ED.

 However, taking a powerful food like beet juice will benefit your sexual health both in the short run and in the long run

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