2 Potent Vitamins for Low Testosterone Levels in Men

Did you know there are two powerful vitamins that can seriously boost your testosterone levels in just a few short weeks?

vitamins for low testosterone

A large pool of evidence is now showing that a few select vitamins can have a much greater impact on your testosterone than others.

One of the best ways to increase your testosterone is to give your body the vitamins it needs to manufacture these anabolic hormones and to correct any vitamin deficiencies you might have.

In this post, we are going to go over what these two vitamins are and how they can help you.

But before we take a look at the vitamins I want to first explain something to you

Did you know that whenever you are going through a period of stress, which can be anything from work stress, relationship stress or even overworking in the gym, you can become deficient in vitamins?

And as most people know, when we get stressed and tense this can often lead to overindulgence in junk food and other destructive habits.

These destructive habits can cause more vitamin deficiencies to develop in the body which ultimately leads to a reduction in testosterone levels.

So keep reading to make sure you are consuming the right vitamins that provide the building blocks for testosterone production.

Best Vitamins to Boost Low Testosterone

As mentioned above one of the best ways to increase your testosterone production is to give your body the vitamins it needs to manufacture anabolic hormone.

In light of this, let’s now look at 2 of the best vitamins to boost testosterone.

1. Vitamin AVitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver and small amounts are stored in the lungs, kidneys, and skin.

This fat-soluble vitamin is very important in the human body because it’s involved in the following processes;

  • The growth of virtually every cell
  • Reproduction
  • Hormone production
  • Immune functions and vision.

And apart from these important processes, there is another reason why Vitamin A is linked to testosterone production.

For your body to utilize fat from your diet you need to have an adequate amount of Vitamin A present.

But if your body is deficient in Vitamin A, it won’t make use of good fats and therefore won’t have the building blocks available to make testosterone.

Another way in which Vitamin A is important for testosterone is because it has the ability to cross the blood-testis barrier where it is then stored in the sertoli cells. From there it can be converted as needed to the more biologically active form of retinoic acid.

In your body, there is a compound called transferrin that is responsible for many functions but one that might interest you is the ability of this compound to transfer cholesterol into the mitochondria for conversion to hormones. Vitamin A has been proven to significantly increase transferrin.

This is what the research says

  • A large-scale study was conducted that investigated the diets of 155 male twins. Results from the study found that the consumption of Vitamin A through diet correlated with higher levels of testosterone.
  • Another study was conducted that involved guinea pigs divided into 3 groups: control, pair-fed control, and vitamin A deficient. Results from the study showed that a deficiency in Vitamin A resulted in a decrease in testosterone production.
  • Lastly, there was a study conducted that involved 102 boys with delayed puberty and small stature. The boys were divided into 4 groups, one group was a control group, the second group was given synthetic testosterone, the third group got Vitamin A and Iron and the fourth group got a mixture of TRT, Vitamin A, and Iron. Results showed that the Vitamin A group and the testosterone group had similar improvements in growth and puberty rate. This shows that Vitamin A is as effective as testosterone at improving growth and the speed of puberty.

Studies done on rats also show that a deficiency in Vitamin A leads to a decrease in testosterone production.

Furthermore, vitamin A has been shown to have the ability to decrease estrogen production. And if you’re male and want to hold onto your masculinity you need to do whatever you can to keep estrogen levels low.

Back in the 1930’s, there was a study done on a group of primitive people which showed that these native people had 10 times more Vitamin A in their blood than an average man living today does.

The reason for this vast difference in Vitamin A levels is obviously the diet of natural food they were consuming, that had no resemblance to the artificial sugar laden and carbohydrate-rich diet of modern times.

This unhealthy diet is the reason why many people have a vitamin A deficiency that could be significantly improved by a good vitamin supplement. 

If you study the old school natural bodybuilders who didn’t take steroids, you will see that the diet they consumed was very rich in Vitamin A.

So if you are looking to increase your levels of Vitamin A then just follow what these bodybuilders did back then and consume food such as:

  • Eggs from organic free-range chickens
  • Butter
  • Liver from grass-fed beef
  • Colorful vegetables like carrots squash and swede

Another great way to get a good dose of Vitamin A is to take a high-quality supplement that contains a blend of High Vitamin Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil

The high vitamin butter oil is made from dairy oil extracted without heat from cows that eat 100% rapidly growing grass and the cod liver oil is extracted from wild living fish caught in the pure waters of the Arctic Ocean.

This supplement blend is packed full of pure fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K and when taken each day the results you will start to see will be…

  • Thick healthy looking hair
  • Clearer vision
  • Rapid growth of nails in fingers and toes
  • Smoother and clearer skin
  • And of course, higher testosterone and sex drive

Let’s move on to the next potent vitamin to boost low testosterone.

2. Vitamin DVitamin D

Did you know that Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin but actually is a hormone?

This hormone can be found in certain food such as fish, eggs, mushrooms, and dairy products. But the best way for our body to make it is by getting regular sun exposure.

This super hormone D has the capacity and ability to interact with 2000 genes in the body and according to the internationally acclaimed Vitamin D expert, Dr. Michael Holick has the greatest power of all the vitamins he’s ever studied to affect human health.

It has been associated with benefits such as increased cognition, immune health, bone health, prostate health, and well-being. Vitamin D is involved in functions such as fertility, growth, sexual function,  and hormone secretion.

Interestingly, many of the functions are related to the endocrine system which is why a deficiency can lead to a reduction in testosterone.

Studies on Vitamin D and Testosterone

There have been numerous studies on the relationship between Vitamin D and testosterone:

  • This study discovered a strong connection between vitamin D and testosterone production. Men with optimum levels of Vitamin D had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of SHBG compared to men who don’t have sufficient levels of Vitamin D in the blood.
  • This study showed that when 54 men were given a supplement of Vitamin D for one year, there was a significant increase in testosterone levels.
  • A study involving 1362 men showed that when men took Vitamin D there was a substantial improvement in testosterone levels. However, the study also discovered that when Vitamin D goes above the level of 80nmol/L the increase in testosterone stops. This shows that when there is enough vitamin D in the body the testosterone will not climb any higher.

There are many studies that show the benefits of taking Vitamin D. But for now, let’s look at some of the ways you can get more of this powerful vitamin.

As stated above Vitamin D can be found in dietary foods and from sun exposure. However, we are not living in the open outdoors like our ancestors before us did. But instead many of us work indoors and come home again to stay indoors and according to the Vitamin D Council…

Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide epidemic, with recent estimates indicating that 50% of the global population is at risk and a high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency has been found across all age groups in all populations studied in countries across the globe.


Ways You Can Increase Vitamin D

  • Wherever possible try to get more sun exposure. Even when it is overcast there are still benefits to getting outside but don’t overdo how much sun you get.
  • Fatty fish like salmon contains a good dose of vitamin D.
  • Fortified dairy products.
  • Eggs from free range chickens
  • Good sources of vitamin D for vegans include maitake mushrooms, portabella mushrooms, and almond milk.
  • Take a high-quality supplement blend of High Vitamin Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil – this will meet both your Vitamin A and Vitamin D requirements with ease.

  • Conclusion

    These two powerful vitamins to boost low testosterone offer so many benefits for men. By making sure you consume foods rich in these vitamins and avoiding these testosterone killers you will experience many benefits to your health and sex life.

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