This article is going to look at the benefits of taking both l-arginine and l-citrulline for erectile dysfunction.
Whether it’s just a side effect of too much stress or a symptom of a more serious disease, erectile dysfunction is something most men are bound to experience at some point in their lives.
Although pretty common and widespread, erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter.
It can severely affect a man’s self-esteem and lead to social introversion, anxiety, and even depression.
As widespread as ED is, doctors don’t seem to hold a united front when it comes to choosing the best treatment.
Large pharmaceutical companies are developing new ED medications every day, most of which work by altering your body’s natural metabolism processes.
If your erectile dysfunctions is not severe enough to require heavy-duty prescription medication, it’s understandable why you wouldn’t want to expose your body to potentially dangerous drugs.
That’s why the best and safest way to go when it comes to treating your ED is natural remedies.
And I’m not talking about herbal tea and massage oil, but rather substances that already exist in your body and the food you eat.
Amino acids are one of the most important organic compounds in your body.
They enable normal functioning of your body’s metabolism and are a major component of the neurotransmitting cycle between your cells and your brain.
But what you might not know is that certain amino acids are crucial for maintaining healthy and strong erections. The amino acids in question are called L-Arginine and L-Citrulline.
Both L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are abundant in foods such as red meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, beans, wheat, nuts and seeds, but can also be produced inside your body.
So why is taking these two amino acids the key to building long-lasting, strong erections?
Well, it all comes down to how erections work in the first place and what are the elements that enable them.
You’ve probably already heard of nitric oxide, an organic chemical compound that’s found in your blood.
What you might not know about nitric oxide is that it’s a free radical – meaning it has a free chemical bond it can use to attach itself to other molecules.
This makes nitric oxide the most potent vasodilator found in your body.
A vasodilator’s job is to relax and widen the blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow freely.
The amount of nitric oxide that gets produced in your body increases after you experience sexual arousal or sexual stimulation, which leads to an increase in blood flow towards and inside your penis.
L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are two different amino acids that have basically the same function – to enable and increase the production of nitric oxide in your body.
The main difference between these two acids, apart from their molecular structure, is the way they react with nitric oxide.
L-Citrulline is absorbed by your body and converted into L-Arginine through a process called nitric oxide synthase.
L-Arginine is absorbed directly, and in its pure form, so it’s more concentrated and potent than L-Citrulline. L-Arginine also acts as a catalyst for enzymes that release pure nitric oxide into the bloodstream.
So How Does This Apply to Erectile Dysfunction?
When you sum up how nitric oxide works (dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow), it’s not that difficult to understand why it’s so important for maintaining normal, healthy erections.
An increase in the amount of nitric oxide in your blood promotes better blood flow towards the penis, creating all the physical conditions necessary for a strong erection, as most cases of erectile dysfunction are a result of vascular problems.
Both L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are pretty abundant in food and can be produced inside your body. Some of the foods that contain significant amounts of both L-Arginine and L-Citrulline are:
However, significantly increasing your L-Arginine and L-Citrulline levels solely from food isn’t as easy as it seems.
You’d have to double or triple the amount of amino acid-rich foods you’re consuming now, which can put a strain on your metabolism.
That’s why the best way to consume these nitric oxide boosting acids is by taking a good quality supplement that contains the correct dosage.
Arginine and Citrulline supplements are all FDA-approved, no matter the manufacturer, and carry little to no side-effects.
Having no dangerous side-effects doesn’t mean it absolutely foul-proof, so always read the recommended dosage carefully.
Overdoing it probably won’t do you much harm, but it can be quite an unpleasant experience that can result in a few days of diarrhea.
Although L-Citrulline is metabolized into L-Arginine when it goes through your kidneys, it’s important to take both of these amino acids to ensure a balanced production of nitric oxide.
L-Arginine has an almost immediate effect on the enzymes that release nitric oxide into the bloodstream, but it also wears off relatively quickly.
Nitric oxide can survive in the blood for just a few seconds at a time, so a sudden boost in the amount of Arginine won’t do you much good in the long run.
That’s where L-Citrulline steps in. L-Citrulline is much more complex than Arginine, so it needs to be metabolized into simpler acids in order to be able to react with nitric oxide-producing enzymes.
Complex acids need time to be metabolized, so the kidneys gradually release small amounts of broken down L-Arginine.
Having a constant supply of small amounts of Arginine will result in balanced and consistent levels of nitric oxide, which means its effects won’t wear off as quickly as those from Viagra, Cialis, or other ED medications.
To ensure you get all the long-term benefits of these supplements, you have to stick to the same daily dosage.
Although the exact numbers may vary a little depending on your weight and age, it’s generally safe to stick to the recommended dosages that are stated on the labels.
For Arginine supplements, you should stick to a dose of 15 g per days. Make sure you take the supplements during or after your meals – so 5g of arginine per meal.
Most Arginine supplements that come in the form of pills are already perfectly dosed. If you’re using Arginine in powdered form, make sure you use a dosing spoon to avoid taking to much or too little.
Citrulline supplements should be taken along with the Arginine. As Citrulline is a much more complex and concentrated acid, the doses are much smaller. Your daily intake of Citrulline shouldn’t exceed 3g per day.
It’s best that you take it across three meals just like the Arginine – so it’s 1g of citrulline per meal.
You have two options when it comes to taking l arginine and l citrulline for erectile dysfunction.
You can get these 2 supplements separately or you can get a supplement that contains both and in the amounts mentioned above
Apart from an upset stomach and diarrhea, there are really no other side-effects to using both L-Arginine and L-Citrulline for erectile dysfunction.
What makes these supplements so great is that can do you plenty of other good besides enabling healthy erections.
Although most studies done on the subject focused on the benefits of taking l arginine and l citrulline for erectile function (study, study), there’s been breakthrough research done on using Arginine as a treatment for all kinds of heart diseases.
So if you’re looking for a healthy, safe alternative to improve the quality of your erections and your general health – these amino acids are the way to go.
Worst case scenario, you’ll end up with significantly improved blood flow and a decreased risk of future heart diseases.
Thanks for reading